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Showing posts from November, 2012

Collective Nouns

An absence of waiters  An agenda of tasks  An army of caterpillars  An army of frogs  An assembly of toys  An attitude of teenagers  An autumn of leaves  A bale of turtles A ballet of swans  A band of gorillas A band of men  A bank of circuits  A bank of monitors  A barren of mules  A battery of tests  A bed of clams  A bed of oysters  A bed of snakes  A bevy of swans  A bevy of girls  A choir of singers A bevy of beauties A bill of particulars  A blessing of unicorns  A bloat of hippopotami  A blur of bicyclists  A bouquet of flowers  A brood of hens  A bunch of grapes  A burden of yolks  A cast of actors  A cast of hawks A chain of islands  A class of students A click of (computer)  A cloud of bats  A brood of chickens A cloud of grasshoppers  A clutch of chicks A clutch of eggs  A clutter of cats A collective of nouns  A colony of ants  A colony of beavers  A colony of gulls  A colony of penguins  A colony of rabbits  A company of par


simile meaning as alike as two peas in a pod identical or nearly so as agile as a monkey as angry as a wasp as bald as an egg as bald as a coot  completely bald as big as a bus very big as big as an elephant very big as black as a sweep completely black as black as coal completely black as black as pitch completely black as blind as a bat completely blind as blind as a mole completely blind as bold as brass very bold as brave as a lion very brave as bright as a button very bright as bright as a new pin very bright and shiny as busy as a beaver very busy as busy as a bee very busy as busy as a cat on a hot tin roof very busy as calm as a millpond / cat  very calm and still as clear as a bell very clear as clean as a whistle very clean as clear as crystal very clear as clear as mud not at all clear as cold as ice very cold as common as dirt very common, rude, vulgar as cool as a cucumber cool as cunning as a fox cunning as clumsy as a bear as dark as mid