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Showing posts from 2013

Kindergarten Hunt

Master Tuition is having a soft launch for kindergarten How do you hunt for a kindergarten? 1. Have a systematic learning method or programme 2. Good interaction between teachers, students and parents (You are able to follow closely what is your child / children's progress in school, not twice or thrice a year during report card day, but as frequent as possible for teachers and parents's talk. 3. Airy environment) 4. Small scale school (Teachers and students know everyone well and can mix with different age friends. Unlike big school, seldom got chance to mix everyone together) 5. Writing work only at school with all guidance by teachers. From basic to difficult. (Homework only comes on Friday) 6. Parents will get a weekly progress report (Report on what they have learned and what are their weaknesses are? If any of that mention and need attention, parents can take immediate action to follow up and strengthen them simultaneously.) 7. No uniform is needed

Academic Based is better than play-based learning approach

Academic based approach is better than play-based approach Have you heard of garbage in and garbage out? In other words, nothing in is nothing out.   For degree students, why should the professors teach students theories and concepts. If you focus on play-based approach, you just ask all degree students to go to universities to do whatever they want. At the end of the day, they learn a lot of things.  Non-sense. If the professors do not teach you anything and based on play-based approach. You have limited input; hence, you have limited quality output.  Just   how do   young kids’ brains develop, and how can we use that information to provide the best learning environment for children? Kindergarten curriculum has also changed radically. Yet last I heard, today’s kids’ brains aren’t developing any differently than previous generations.   Nope, we’ve just changed what we demand at an early age. Now if a five-year-old isn’t sitting still all day in school, we sometimes c

Advantages of academic based approach kidergarten

No right or wrong answer but depend on you. Play-based approach focuses on play and learn yourself so that your emotional skills can be improved. Academic based approaches, focus on IQ and ventures into social and emotional skills later on. I have two kids. Both of them have studied in academic based enrichment centre: Shichida. In the beginning, I was so worried that they cannot learn emotional and social skills BUT... Initially, no doubts, their IQ is good. When they come to emotional skills and social skills, they are weaker than others. I went to consult a consultant and finally realise it my kids have high IQ so that if I want to improve their social skills, I need to give some reasons. When I start to tell them reasons for doing this and that, they tend to understand. Eventually, their emotional and social skills improve substantially. For example, I went to Langkawi with my kids, my wife and 11 other staff. My wife got burned accidentally. My two kids cried immed

Kindergarten: Play-based v.s. Academic based for kindergarten

Play-Based In a play-based program, children choose some activities based on their current interests.  Also called "child-centred" The play-based classroom is broken up into sections:  Section 1: Home  Section 2: Kitchen Section 3: Science area Section 4: Reading corner Section 5: Space with blocks and other toys.  Teachers encourage the kids to play, facilitating social skills along the way.  While they are playing, they learn some social skills and cooperation with others.  Academic  Alternatively, there are academic programs, considered didactic, “teacher-directed,” “teacher-managed.”  In these classrooms, teachers lead the children in a more structured way, planning the activities, then guiding the children in doing them.  This design is aimed at preparing kids for the kindergarten setting.  For the most part, classroom time is devoted to A. learning letters and sounds,  B. Distinguishing shapes and colors C. Telling time, and o

Kid Management: The Truth

The truth of kid management:  1. There is no short-cut to teach children. For example, if the child is weak in maths, then we hire a math teacher to teach him. Then, the child can never improve. 100% guarantee.  I have taught more than 1000 children from 4 years to 18 years throughout my career.  My parents think that their kids are weak in maths and the parents start to source for math teacher. I tell you, your kids can never be improved.  2. If you want your kid to improve his / her mathematics, the only way is parents (YOURSELVES).  For example, every time you go out with your children, you can try to incorporate maths in the real life.  With the help of teachers, I guarantee, the results improve substantially.  3. PARENTS, YOU SHOULD NOT GIVE EXCUSES TO YOURSELF. NOT THE CHILD. THE CHILD LEARN FROM YOU ONLY. LIKE FATEHR LIKE SON.  Example, I have come across that 60% of the top management's sons have problems.  Reason: Parents are busy working in the of

Kid management: Respect kids' model of the world

As an adult, we must respect everyone in the world. I respect my previous boss to guide me to be a better teacher now. I respect my parents for sending me to Canada when I was 13 years old. (To be honest to you, I blamed them in the beginning.Now, I would have to say thank you to them) I respect all of the unsung heroes in the world. After I have two cute baby boys, I realised that we must respect our kids. Few years back, I enjoy reading newspaper on my Iphone when my kids were with me. Slowly, my kids grabbed my iphone to play with it. I scolded them fiercely. But, guess what, nothing had gone better. I stopped using my iphone when I am with my kids except for answering the phone call. Then, everything changes overnight. My kids stopped asking for my phone to play. Last week, when I gathered with my relatives during one open house event. I realised it all of the kids played with ipad, iphone, samsung and other gadgets. Two of my kids never touched the electronic devi

My personal experience 1:

If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you have always got. To be a Master Trainer in English throughout Malaysia, I learn that: Example 1: One child who does not like to read Bahasa Malaysia or English, you keep scolding him. To be a teacher, what will you get? Yes, you will be angry and frustrated. At the end of the day, you don't get your problems solved. I think I am borned teacher because when I teach, my frustration disappears in the thin air. If you ask me to entertain friends and customers. I have no interest so that I can never be a salesman. NEVER EVER. First, I try to understand what children want and why don't they study? Second, I start to ask about students' interest and forget about his studies first. Third, I will research more about what the children like. I.e. The child said that he likes to play with angry birds game, I will try to study about the game. Fourth, the everything about the same and convert ever

Business Licensees Training for 2014

First Training in North Region for 2014 has been scheduled on 8 December 2013 (Sunday) in Alor Setar. Due to the limitation of seats, the training has been closed. Thank you for your support. The training will be extremely fun.

To all business licensees

A message to all Master Tuition Business Licensees. First training for 2014 programmes have been scheduled on 8 December 2014 (Sunday) in Alor Setar, Malaysia. Venue: 356 Jalan Anggerik, Taman Anggerik Fasa 6, 05050 Alor Setar. Please contact Bryan to book a seat.


给父母的一个测验                         在现今的社会,考试似乎变成了孩子们的“专利”。这是一个给为人父母者的自我测验。当你静下心来,认真思考每一项问题时,或许你会发觉,随着时代的不同,原来父母所要扮演的角色越来越多样化,也越来越具挑战性。             其实,这个小测验并没有对或错的答案,也不是为了要评估父母的表现。我只希望可以帮助父母在调教孩子时,多一些思考的方向。(诚心希望每位父母可以认真思考每一项问题。) 1 )我经常和孩子谈天及讨论孩子感兴趣的话题吗? 2 )我有常常拥抱孩子或亲抚孩子以表达我对他们的爱意吗? 3 )我会经常放下手上的一切工作,坐下来认真耐心聆听孩子说话吗? 4 )每次我回到家看到孩子,是否一定会问以下的这几个问题?        一、你吃饱了吗?二、冲了凉吗?三、功课做完了吗?四、要考试了 …… 有读书吗? 5 )我会经常批评孩子,对孩子发脾气吗? 6 )我会常常急着教训孩子而忽略了应该先了解问题吗? 7 )我会认为赞美将宠坏孩子吗? 8 )当有人称赞我的孩子时,我会在孩子面前否定对方的称赞吗? 9 )我会否在孩子有好的表现时,不但视而不见,反而还批评他呢? 10 )我是不是常将孩子与其他的孩子比较,或常与他的兄弟姐妹作比较呢? 11 )孩子参加越多的补习,上越多的才艺班,就会变得更优秀吗? 12 )我是否会细心、认真、深入地了解孩子的想法与感受呢? 13 )我会相信自己的孩子已经没有希望,或认为他已经无法改变吗? 14 )对于孩子,我是否会像对待成年人一样,有礼貌又尊重他来和他相处呢? 15 )我会常对孩子摆出“高高在上,你必须听我说”的姿态吗? 16 )孩子在我的心目中,是否真的只有缺点而没有任何优点? 17 )我会常常限制及否定孩子,而鲜少给他选择吗? 18 )孩子有“自己真正做决定”的机会吗? 19 )我知道孩子的学习类型吗? 20 )我为什么要把孩子送到学校去?

How to motivate your kids

If you want your child to be a stellar student, don't limit learning to the walls of his classroom.  Although the skills he's learning there are crucial to his intellectual and social growth, your child needs your help to open up the world of ideas.  His renewed  joy in discovery  will transfer to his schoolwork, so you'll boost his academic achievement too! Fill your child's world with reading.  Take turns reading with your older child, or establish a family reading time when everyone reads her own book.  Demonstrate how important reading is to you by filling your home with printed materials: novels, newspapers, even posters and placements with words on them. Encourage him to express his opinion, talk about his feelings, and make choices.   He can pick out a side dish to go with dinner and select his own extracurricular activities. Ask for his input on family decisions, and show that you value it. Show enthusiasm for your child's interests and encourage

A test for parents

1. Do you talk and discuss with your kids daily? 2. Do you hug you kids daily to send a message to them that you love them? 3. Do you listen to your kids patiently daily? 4. Do you ask your kids the following questions daily: a. Have you eaten yet? b. Do you take a bath? c. Have you completed your homework? d. Have you prepared for your examination yet? e. What is your score for your examination? 5. Criticize your kids and scold them for being slow of doing something? 6. Do you scold your kids before asking them for explanations? 7. Do you think that you shouldn't praise your kids too much? 8. When somebody praises your kids, do you respond with some negative statement? I.e. Your son is so well-behaved. Then, you said that he is very naughty at home. 9. When your kids do something good, you never praise them and criticize them. I.e. Your kids' BM has improved 2.5% from the last examination. You scold them why don't you score 80% and above and change to another

New Launching for Kindergarten Enrichment Classes

Master Tuition is pleased to launch kindergarten Enrichment Classes Why Us? 1. Focus on academic 2. Aim of getting familiar with the concept of homework and assessment 3. Chinese medium classes 4. Well-planned and well-tested curriculum to be relevant for primary school 5. The most systematic exercises

Preposition for Transport - Set 2

When do we use ' in ' and ' on ' for different forms of transportation? Why is it ' on  the bus' and ' in  the car'?  What is the  difference ?  Well, let's take a short look: on  the bus,  on  the train,  on  the ship,  on  the plane - These are all forms of  public transportation . in  the car,  in  the boat,  in  the canoe - These are forms of  private transportation . It appears that ' on ' is used with public forms of transportation whereas ' in ' is used with private forms of transportation.  But,  be careful there are some exceptions to this rule.  We have things that we 'ride  on '.  For example,  on  a bike,  on  a horse,  on  an elephant, etc...  We also have  at  least one form of semi- private transportation ,  in  a taxi.  I guess taxis are cars so we say ' in  a taxi'. Let's review! Let's say I need to catch a plane  in  Tokyo, but I live  in  Osaka.  So, I rode  on  my bicycle to ge

Preposition for Public Transport

Things you get on: train, plane, bus, boat When talking about commercial or public transportation, such as a train or plane, use the prepo sition. The passengers are  on  the plane. We need to get  on  this bus. Manuel is waiting for us  on  the boat. Things you get in: taxi, car, truck When it comes to personal modes of transportation, such as a taxi or a car, use the preposition in. She got  in  the taxi. I am already  in  the car. The boxes are loaded  in  the van. As a general rule, you can choose a preposition based on the public/private modes of transportation, but (as any English learner knows) there are exceptions to every rule! Are there other prepositions that you struggle with?  Share  with us!

The most effective ways to guide BM

Do you want to know the most effective ways to guide your kids:  1. Focused Exercises Focus on students' weaknesses and stress the key issues; hence, students are able to understand the problems thoroughly. 2. Systematic Teaching Material Systematic exercise books together with the most advanced memorizing techniques to enhance students' knowledge effectively. 3. The most proven examination techniques Focusing on school examinations patterns and trends for more than 10 years. We have weathered through multiple key school examinations; as a result, we have a proven examination techniques. 4. The most effective way to do revision Keep reviewing the topic daily, weekly, monthly and annually. Needless to say, foundation will be extremely solid.

Problems that are faced by children in Bahasa Malaysia

Children Are you... 1. Memorize all words but forget quickly, how?  2. Keep doing many exercises without understanding them.  3. NOT ABLE  to write any "Karangan" independently.  4. Memorize "Karangan" to prepare for examinations IF YOU WANT TO KNOW HOW TO IMPROVE AND ENHANCE YOUR BAHASA MALAYSIA EFFECTIVELY, PLEASE CALL 012-664-1376 TO FIND OUT.

Sec 16: The Infinitive

1. It is easy 2. It is very easy 3. It is hard 4. It is not difficult 5. It is dangerous 6. It is sensible 7. It is stupid 8. It is impossible 9. It is certain 10. It is likely 11. It is necessary

Sec 15: Indirect Questions

He asked her where he lives. I want to know what the time is. I'll ask them why Ali is absent. I don't know where the chalk is. I don't want to know. He asked me Please ask him I'll find out I'll tell you. Can you see. I wonder

Mock Examinations

Please be noted that a few mock examinations have been carried out in Master Tuition (Bandar Puteri Puchong) between 17 September and 20 September, 2013. All examination papers have been marked by our responsible and dedicated teachers. If you want to know how your kids do in the examination, you can refer to the yellow booklet. Should you have any questions, please contact Master Tuition. Have fun preparing for your examinations.

Pre-Form 1 Programmes

国语英语特训营邀请函 中学先修班 3个月,让你强化国语,巩固英语! 3个月,让孩子彻底掌握国语英语! 时间:每逢星期二和星期五 地点:Master Tuition 目标:让每个学生都在3个月内提升国语英语的掌握能力 Bryan院长和国语专家全程亲授

Sec 13: Preposition + Verbs

decide     on (a matter) differ     from (a feature)     with (a person) engage     in (a conversation) find fault     with (others) insist     on (rights) live     at (at address)     in (a flat)     on (an item of food)     with (somebody) object     to (a remark) quarrel     with (somebody) rely     on (a person) resort     to (a drastic measure) subscribe     to (a magazine) subsists     on (an item)

Sec 12: Preposition + Verb

agree     to (a proposal)     with (somebody) believe     in (a religion)     to (a club) centre     on (a topic) comply     with (rules) conform     to (rules) confide     in (a person) consist     of (different parts) conversant     with (a topic) depend     on (somebody)

Sec 11: Prepositions - The Links

Combinations: Preposition readily combine with nouns, verbs and adjectives. + nouns: aptitude, talent for belief, faith in prooft of sympathy for, with praise for, of +verbs annoyed      by (a remark)     with (somebody) argue     about (an issue)     with (a person)     for, against (a proposal) account      for (missing items) accustomed      to (an activity) accused      of (a crime)  

Holiday Programme 2013

5 September 2013 Dear parents, RE: Programmes of Year 2013 for Bandar Puteri Due to the overwhelming requests by parents, Master Tuition would like to offer BM, BI and BC courses for those avid students who are eager to enhance their BM, BI and BC during the long school holidays.               Instead of allowing your love one – child / children to stay at home for carrying some unproductive activities such as playing computer games, chatting on face book and etc, you can assign some meaningful courses for your kid(s) to enhance their knowledge; hence, they will be ready once they are in new school year 2014. Leaning is life-long and fun if you do it right. Minority of irresponsible workers or professionals take two months leave due to stress. Why should you allow your love one to take two months off due to stress?  In short, smart students always get smarter and better due to their well-planned parents. Enclosed please find the attachment for the timetables,

UPSR English: Section A (Last Minute Exercises)

Please try the following sentences if you are: 1. - oranges - plate - 2. - invited - party - 3.  - bridge - steel - 4. - family - lunch - 5. - straight - left - 6. - dancers - gracefully - 7. - selling - roadside 8. - hatching - eggs - 9. - kids - see-saw - 10. - beetles - net - 11. - singing - stage - 12. - reached - finishing - 13. - tortoise - pond - 14. - watermelon - creeper - 15. - participated - tournament - 16. -played - tennis - 17. - sold - vegetables - 18. - having - assembly - 19. - lights - Deepavali - 20. - rescued - boy - 21. - hailing - taxi - 22. - birds - house - 23. - dome - mosque - 24. - uncle - bought - 25. - cat - fur - 26. -cleans - hands - 27. - mango - heavier - 28. - brother - guitar - 29. - munched - fingers - 30. - lorry - knocked - 31. - lion - wild - 32. - fed - kitten - 33. - resting - tree - 34. - scolds - lazy - 35. - shoes - rubber - 36. - watering - plants - 37. - swept - floor - 38. - enjoy - football - 39. -

EWS 37: In and Within

In and Within: When referring to time, in denotes the close of a period, within denotes a time less than the close of the period. e.g. 1 I shall return in a year's time. (After a year) 2. I shall return within a year. (Before a year has passed) Please attend my class to learn the techniques of memorizing and usage. Call Bryan  @ 012-664-1376.

EWS 36: In and Into

In, Into. In denotes position or rest, into shows motion, e.g. 2. He ran into the room in which his mother was. Please attend my class to learn the techniques of memorizing and usage. Call Bryan  @ 012-664-1376.

EWS 35: For and Before

For and Before. In a negative (no) sentence for is used for a period time, and before for a point of time, thus: 1. She will not be here for an hour yet. 2. She will not be here before five o'clock. Please attend my class to learn the techniques of memorizing and usage. Call Bryan  @ 012-664-1376.

EWS 34: SInce and From

Since is used for a point of time, with the Present Prefect Tense, From can be used in any Tense, e.g. 1. She has been ill since Monday. 2. We have lived here since the last war. 3. She was ill from Monday to Friday. 4. He starts (will start) work from tomorrow. Please attend my class to learn the techniques of memorizing and usage. Call Bryan  @ 012-664-1376.

EWS 33: Between and Among

Between is generally for two; Among for more than two. e.g. 1. The money was divided between the two boys. 2. The sweets were divided among the ten children. Please attend my class to learn the techniques of memorizing and usage. Call Bryan  @ 012-664-1376.

EWS 32: By and With

By, With. By is generally used for the person. With is used for the instrument. 1. He was killed with a knife by his enemy. Please attend my class to learn the techniques of memorizing and usage. Call Bryan  @ 012-664-1376.

EWS 31: Beside and Besides

Beside, Besides Beside means "by the side of", e.g.. He sat beside his wife. Besides means "in addition", e.g. There are others here besides you. Please attend my class to learn the techniques of memorizing and usage. Call Bryan  @ 012-664-1376.

EWS 30: At and In

 At, in. At refers to a point of time; In to a larger space of time. 1. He cam at 8 o'clock in the morning. 2. Similarly, for a small place we use "at", e.g. He lives at Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia. The university is at Petaling Jaya in Kuala Lumpur. Please attend my class to learn the techniques of memorizing and usage. Call Bryan @ 012-664-1376.

EWS 29: With

With 1. I had a talk with him. 2. She is a girl with blue eyes. 3. He filled the box with sand. 4. I did it with his help. 5. He lives with his uncle. 6. She went to the town with her friend. 7. He killed the snake with a stick. 8. Don't fight with him. 9. They were shaking with cold. 10. Her face was wet with tears. Please attend my class to learn the techniques of memorizing and usage.

EWS 28: To

To 1. (motion towards). they walked to the town. 2. (time). He was punctual to the minute. 3. If fell to the ground. 4. He pointed to the hill. 5. He is slow to anger. 6. To whom did you give it? 7. Read it from beginning to end. 8. We were wet to the skin. 9. I prefer reading to writing. Please attend my class to learn the techniques of memorizing and usage.

EWS 27: On

On 1. (place). He stood on the ground 2. (time). They came on Monday. 3. (dependence). the old woman lives on her children. 4. (manner). He did it on purpose (on the sly). 5. (direction). The army marched on the city. 6. (concerning). He gave an interesting talk on "Books". Please attend my class to learn the techniques of memorizing and usage.

EWS 26: of

of 1. He died of old age. 2. that is a real work of art. 3. He gave me a piece of good advice. 4. That box is made of wood. 5. The whole of Greenland is covered with snow. 6. We visited the city of Hong Kong. Please attend my class to learn the techniques of memorizing and usage.

EWS 25: into

into 1. (to express motion). He walked into the room. 2. Throw this into the river. 3. Don't get into trouble. 4. She broke into tears. 5. The water changed into ice. Please attend my class to learn the techniques of memorizing and usage.

EWS 24: In

In 1. (position). I am sitting in the room; in a house; in London, etc. 2. The things were piled in a heap. 3. He is badly in debt, but is in good health. 4. His answer was in the negative. 5. This is his letter in reply to mine. 6. You have come just in time to help me. 7. This happened in the reign of the Queen. Please attend my class to learn the techniques of memorizing and usage.

EWS 23: from

From 1. He has gone away from here. 2. She has cleared it from top to bottom. 3. This is quite different from that. 4. She is never free from pain or from care. Please attend my class to learn the techniques of memorizing and usage.

EWS 22: for

For 1. This is for me. 2. He is here for two hours. 3. Go home for your book and look for it. 4. He was imprisoned for life. 5. He sold his house for RM 40,000. 6. Don't translate word for word. Please attend my class to learn the techniques of memorizing and usage.

EWS 21: By

By: 1. (place). Come and sit by the fire. 2. (time). I shall have finished the work by Monday. 3. Take him by the hand. 4. We sell fish by the pound. 5. They are paid by the hour. Please attend my class to learn the techniques of memorizing and usage.

EWS 20: Between

Between 1. He is standing between the two trees. 2. The money was shared between the boy and his sister. Please attend my class to learn the techniques of memorizing and usage.

EWS 19: At

At 1. (place). He is at home; at Singapore; etc. 2. (time). He came on Monday at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. 3. (Verb of motion). We arrived at the station. (So also: to stop at; throw at; astonished at; rejoice at) 4. These are sold (or bought) at ten dollars each. 5. He came at once. (So too: at last; at ease; at leisure; to be at loss; at work; at play) Please attend my class to learn the techniques of memorizing and usage.

EWS 18: Against

Against 1. It's no use running your head against a stone wall. 2. I did it against my will. (Wish) 3. He warned me against that danger. Please attend my class to learn the techniques of memorizing and usage.

EWS 17: After

After 1. They came after dinner. 2. We have had one trouble after another. 3. The girl was called after her grandmother. Please attend my class to learn the techniques of memorizing and usage.

EWS 16: About

1. He looked about him. 2. I have heard about the matter.  3. I shall see you about five o'clock.  Please attend my class to learn the techniques of memorizing and usage.

UPSR TIPS: Useful words for section B

Some useful words for process flow chart questions: 1. boil 2. cold 3. pinch 4. prevents 5. cracking 6. mash up 7. remove 8. parsley 9. chop 10. cut 11. mix 12. slice 13. add 14. tablespoons 15. stir 16. spread 17. apply 18. mixture 19. prepare 20. arrange Please check the meaning from dictionary. I don't responsible for any inconvenient caused.


We can join up short sentences by using the words below: 1. who, which, that and whose (relative pronouns) e.g. I spoke to that boy. He scored the goal. I spoke to the boy who scored the goal. 2. because e.g. She was late. The bus broke down. She was late because the bus broke down. 3. so e.g. I was very tired. I went to bed. I was very tired so I went to bed. 4. and or but e.g. I tied up the parcel. I took it to the post office. I tied up the parcel and took it to the post office. e.g. I went to the post office. I did not post the parcel. I went to the post office but I did not post the parcel. 5. where e.g. this is the place. I found the money in this place. This is the place where I found the money. 6. When e.g. It started to rain. I shut the windows. I shut the windows when it started to rain. When it started to rain, I shut the windows. 7. Although e.g. He did not catch the bus. He ran very hard. He did not catch the bus although he ran very hard.

English Tips: Sample Question for Section C

As I mentioned previously, you need to concentrate on events and natural disaster issues. Please focus on events that are held in Malaysia and natural disaster that can occur in Malaysia. Sample Question 1: Note: Only those students who attend my class has the pictures picture 1: - held - Canteen Day - holidays - stalls - food - drinks picture 2: - classmates - morning - assist - teachers - prepare - sell - coupons - picture 3: - parents - came - enjoyed - two hours - sold out - Note: This is only my forecast. It may or may not be tested. I don't bear any responsible or any consequences caused.


1. CATATAN 1. Tulis catatan tentang (aktiviti harian / hujung minggu)  kamu. (如果题目有写hujung minggu, 那么就一定要写周末的活动日记) 2. Catatan tentang aktiviti di sekolah kamu. 3. Catatan tentang pertandingan di sekolah kamu. 4. Catatan tentang lawatan sambil belajar.

Sec 6: The Present Participle 2

People living near the sea can usually swim. Boys living outstation can go home now. Girls not wearing a badge will get into trouble. Cyclists not showing a light at night may be killed. Shoes needing repair must be handed in today. Exer

UPSR TIPS: Extremely Important notes - MUST READ

No explanations will be provided for those students who do not attend my class. You can choose to contact me for explanations. 1. Peter will go to Penang. 2. Dogs are faithful animals. 3. He speaks English very well. 4. We should start after breakfast. 5. My favourite game is football. 6. Sunday is the first day of the week. 7. December is the last month of the year. 8. My brother goes to school. 9. Gold is a precious metal. 10. The man shot the crow with a gun. MUST MEMORIZE THEM: 1. This man always wears black shoes. 2. I wan to borrow a book from you. 3. Someone has stolen all his money. 4. Some men robbed a bank last night. 5. Tables are usually made of wood. 6. Bread is usually made from wheat. 7. He was looking out of the window. 8. I was listening to her sweet song.

UPSR Tips: Frequently Asked Questions

Good News to all of my students. If you are too busy to prepare for your English exam, you must attend my class OR read the following notes: 1. The teacher was angry with him. 2. He often boasted of his riches. 3. He is careful of his health. 4. Many people complain about the heat. 5. He came by bus last night. 6. He failed in mathematics last term. 7. I congratulate you on your success. 8. He is interested in music. 9. He is glad of the news. 10. My brother is good at mathematics. 11. Look at this beautiful picture. 12. He is very proud of his success. 13. I was surprised at his failure. 14. The boys are tired of boiled eggs. 15. I divided the cake into four parts. 16. He was busy preparing his exams. 17. The colour of the book is red.

Sec 9: The Present Participle 3

Knowing that I was late, I ran all the way. Hoping to frighten the dog, he threw a stone at it. Feeling rather ill yesterday, I decided to stay at home. Thinking that the tin was empty, she threw it away. (Note: In this type of structure, the present participle comes before the word to which it refers. Do not use this pattern unless it is clear that the participle expression refers to the subject of the following clause.

Sec 8: The Present Participle 2

He is in Perth, studying medicine. The boys are outside the cinema, looking at the posters. Raman is in the office, waiting to see Mr. Chong. The cat is hiding in that bush, hoping to catch a bird. Exercises: 1. The boys are by that tree, reading ... 2. The injured man is at home, recovering from ... 3. Ali is at the railway station, waiting for... 4. The beggar held out his bowl, hoping... 5. The farmer looked at the dry ground and then stared up at the sky, hoping... 6. I hesitated for a moment, wondering ... 7. There is Ali, sitting ... 8. The smoke came in the window, making ... 9. The monkey is sitting at the top of the tree, throwing down ... 10. We are going to Singapore next week, visiting ...

Sec 7: The Present Participle 2

People living near the sea can usually swim. Boys living outstation can go home now. Girls not wearing a badge will get into trouble. Cyclists not showing a light at night may be killed. Shoes needing repair must be handed in today. Exercises: 1. Pupils not wearing the school uniform ... 2. Anybody arriving late ... 3. People living in glass houses ... 4. People working in Kuala Lumpur... 5. Men driving heavy timber lorries... 6. A tourist going into the jungle for the first time ... 7. A motorist visiting Singapore for the fist time ... 8. Men working all day in the sun ... 9. Motorists going the wrong way down a one-way street... 10. Most ships arriving at Singapore and Penang ...

Sec 5: The Present Participle

We will consider sentence patterns in which the present participle is used. e.g. 1.I watched the men cutting down a tree. 2. I heard the woman arguing with her husband. 3. We watched the python chasing a chicken. 4. They found the thief hiding behind a bush. Exercises: Complete each statement in any sensible way. 1. I watched him sweeping ... 2. They found the man hiding ... 3. Yesterday, I saw Kassim riding ... 4. We saw them playing. .. 5. She watched me painting ... 6. Look at those ants dragging... 7. Here is a book explaining how to ... 8. I can see Peter waving ... 9. We heard him telling... 10. I saw Eng Hock chasing ...

Marking Schema for UPSR

Excellent Credit Achievement Weak Very weak. If you have attended my classes since January, you should be able to know how to get the most out of it. Please follow my methods and steps, I guarantee you that you are able to score flying colour results. Other centres which use my system, please review with students based on the techniques I have guided all of you. Good Luck

UPSR TIPS: Section B

For section B, Students can study the following topics: 1. process flow chart and writing (please ask me during your normal classes so that I can furnish you some information about this type of questions) 2. Life cycle of any insects 3. pie chart, bar chart and etc

UPSR TIPS: Section C

Students can also focus on the following topics for section C: 1. Children's Day 2. Family Day (During weekend, went to the most famous restaurant together with his / her family members)

Tips for UPSR 2013 - Section A (Please refer to my notes)

1. Present tense - truth (1 question) 2. Present tense - habit (1 question) 3. Past tense (1 to 2 questions - refer to my class notes on how to answer these types of questions 4. noun-noun (3-4 questions) - Please follow the answering rules I have mentioned in class 5. Adj (1 question) - 3 types of questions but only one type of question will be out in the exam. 6. Adverb / passive voice (refer to the top 5 favourite questions in my notes) Please check often to ensure you get the latest tips

Argumentative essay: Steps to follow

Topic: What are the advantages and disadvantages of students participating in sports? Step 1: Pre-writing: Brainstorming technique: Listing Advantages a. Healthy b. Release stress and tension Disadvantages a. no time for homework b. spend too much time in school Step 2: Planning a. give a topic sentence for each paragraph (i.e. for each advantage / disadvantage) b. expansion of notes Paragraph 1: Sports - activities carried out for pleasure / exercise (Introduce the topic. Give definition) Paragraph 2: Good for health (Advantage 1: Elaborate topic sentence. What good does sports do for the body?) Paragraph 3: Sports participation instils discipline and develops leadership qualities. (Advantage 2: Elaborate topic sentence. How? Give examples on discipline and leadership qualities.) Paragraph 4: Sports participation leads students to neglect their homework, studies and even family (Advantage 3: Elaborate topic sentence. How? ) Step 3: Writing Write the draft