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FAQ and Testimonials


1. How many students are there in a class?

Ranging from: eight (8) to twenty (20) students per class;
We are the largest Bahasa Malaysia and English Tuition Centre in Klang Valley.
We have at least 3 classes for each standard so that we can allocate students perfectly based on their levels;
Excellent-students: Around 12 to 20 students per class;
Moderate-students: Around 8 to 15 students per class;
Weak-students: Around 8 to 12 students per class.

2. Can you guarantee results? 

If parents, teachers, and students work together, 98% of the students improve substantially; that's why we are the largest Bahasa Malaysia and English Tuition Centre in Klang Valley.

If your kids are not willing to learn and the parents rely on the teachers only, I confirm that your kids won't see any improvement.

The minority of the parents keep changing a tuition centre once the results are out. A short note to parents: I think you should stop doing this. You need to think about your kids and yourselves.

3. Are the teachers qualified? 

I would have to give two thumbs up. We only employ full-time teachers. All teachers must be trained by the principal and the vice-principals.

The most systematic methods, together with the most committed teachers, we are soaring to a new high.

Unlike the conventional tuition centres, our teachers specialize in a major subject.

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