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SPM BM and ENGLISH Tuition


Secondary school is a crucial stage for teenagers. While English in primary school is relatively easy for most Chinese students, many scholars encounter an abundance of problems when it comes to writing in secondary school.

At Mastertuition, we offer SPM - Essay Writing Programmes (BM and English) that help students prepare for national examinations after primary school. Our programmes are designed with cross-curricular links that prepare students for SPM based syllabi.

Whether you enroll in government schools or independent high schools, our programmes will help you transform from inferior sentences and paragraphs into superior essays with numerous complex sentences and powerful vocabulary.

Our founder, Bryan Low, incorporates English Writing Skills into a blend of creative hands-on activities that have proven to be a highly developed learning experience for all secondary school students. We prepare children with the right skills to become independent-thinkers and lifelong learners.

Our English course and Bahasa Malaysia programmes are designed to equip learners with the best foundation possible for entry into Malaysia’s top secondary schools or the world’s superior universities. Our courses are conducted based on students’ native language.

We also guide students on useful methods to improve their writing techniques, structures and syntax.

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