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Master Tuition Licensing Programme

Master Tuition Licensing Programme:

Education is meant for responsible teachers, dedicated operators and avid-learners. If you fulfill the three main criteria, you are ready to join a recession-proof business.
Due to the rapid growth of competition throughout Malaysia, majority of the tuition centres vanish in a short period of time. However, minority of the tuition centres grow to become the regional education providers. Those tuition centres which harvest better results than others are not due to their cleverness or luck. They fulfill the following criteria:

Responsible, dedicated and self-motivated
Proper procedures, valuable advice and up-to-date teaching methods

Setting up a tution centres has two main approaches:

Approach one:

è Set up a tuition centre from scratch
è which may take 2 to 3 years before you can acutely see the results provided that you are self-motivated.
è However, some impatient operators can barely wait for a cycle of three years.

Approach Two:

è Advise some consultants
è which may take 1 to 2 years to see the results.
è The successful rate is very high because the consultant may reduce the new centres’ setting-up timeframe by furnishing the most efficient methods

Master Tuition strives for continual improvement and be ahead of competitors. Teaching is bread and butter of Master Tuition so that there is no way that Master Tuition reduces the speed of providing the latest and useful teaching methods.

Master Tuition Licensing Programme allows the providers to share the common brand name, business philosophy and standardized business methods.

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