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What are Key Stages?

Key stages refer to the sets of skills and knowledge a student is aiming to develop at a certain stage in their education.

Parents have an idea of classroom work, standards of achievement and how their child's skills are developing.

Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 are meant for primary school students.

Key Stage 3 is meant for lower secondary school students (Equivalent to Form 3 PMR examination or PT 3)
Students aged 13 -15
Students are expected to develop their language to comply with the spoken and written demands of their individual subjects.

Key Stage 4 is meant for upper secondary school students (Equivalent to Form 5 SPM examination or O-Level Examination)

Students aged 14-16 choose ten subjects, from a range of subjects, which they then study for two years before sitting their IGCSE exams.
Teachers will be monitoring groups of students in order to ensure the personal follow-up each student.

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