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PT3: Novel - How I Met Myself - Moral Value


Based on "How I Met Myself by David A. Hill", write about a character that shows determination (perseverance / persistence)
Provide evidence from the text to support your answer. 

Simple Answer: 

Paragraph 1:
Based on "How I Met Myself" by David A. Hill, a character that showed determined was John Taylor. 

Paragraph 2: 
- A man ran into John at Felka utca. 
- The man looked like John. 
- John followed the man to Zsolt's cafe. 
- He looked for the man in the cafe. 
- He could not find the man. 

Paragraph 3: 
- He did not give up. 
- He went to Felka utca and Gergely after work every day. 
- He hoped to meet the man again. 
- The man never showed up. 
- He went to Felka utca with Andrea. 
- They could not find any man who looked like John. 

Paragraph 4: 
- John Taylor was determined to know why he met the man. 
- He learnt that the man who looked like him was his doppelganger. 
- his doppelganger wanted to give John a message. 
- He met his doppelganger on 18 January from his diary. 

Paragraph 5: 
- 18 January was an important date. 
- John read many old newspaper. 
- On 18 January 1945, a mother and her child died in an explosion in Gergely utca. 
- He met with Mrs Fischer. 
- Firstly, John learnt about Janos Szabo. 
- Secondly, Janos had a wife and daugther was Kati. They died in an explosion in Gergely utca. 
- Thirdly, she told Joh that his face looked like Janos. 
- John and Janos were born on 23 October. 

Paragraph 6: 
- John was determined  

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