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Types of Verbs

Types of verbs

Type 1: An intransitive verb
1. Men talk.
2. Birds fly.
3. Rivers flow.

Type 2: Linking verb
(look, become, get, grow, seem appear, turn, taste, smell, sound and feel)

1. Bryan is overjoyed.
2. Bryan's son looks honest.
3. Bryan became famous.
4. The weather in Canada is getting colder.
5. These exercises seem easy.
6. The fish cooked by my mother tastes scrumptious.

Type 3: "Like + nouns" phrase
1. It looks like rain.
2. This water feels like ice.
3. His voice sounds like your voice.

Type 4: "As if"
1. It looks as if it is going to snow.
2. I feel as if I had been returned home from Canada only yesterday.
3. It sounds as if someone is knocking at the door of my house.

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