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The Runaway Maid

 On a sunny day, my mother was cooking in the kitchen when she heard the soft whimpering of a child. Upon looking out the window, she spotted my neighbour's two-year-old child weeping. He had climbed onto a table by the kitchen window with tears streaming down his face. 

Immediately, my mother approached the neighbour's house to ring the doorbell several times, however, there was no respond. At that moment, my mother was baffled, knowing that the boy was being looked after by the maid while his parents were at work. 

Luckily, my mother had the neighbour's mobile phone number. Without having second thought, she contacted her at work to voice her concerns that the child seemed to be home alone. My neighbour was astonished prior to turning homewards. 

Once my neighbour reached home, she found her son, crouching nervously in a corner. Apparently, the maid had absconded, leaving the naive child to fend for himself for approximately two hours. Looking high and low,  my neighbour discovered that her jewelry and piles of hundred-dollar notes were missing. 

Quickly and thoroughly, she lodged a police report against the maid. She was grateful to my mother for coming to her son's rescue. My neighbour learned a painful lesson that she should never leave her son in the care of maids again.  

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