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PT3: The River - Notes

Meaning: -

1. Wanderer - a person who moves from place to place and has no permanent home. 

2. Nomad - a tribe of of travelers who move from one place to another place. 

3. Tramp - someone who has no home or job and moves from place to place, often asking for food or money. 

4. Hoarder - A collection of things that someone hides somewhere, especially so they can use them later. 

5. Gurgles - Flows along with a low sound. 

6. Hums - to sing a tune by making a continuous sound with your lips closed. 

7. Vexed - old-fashioned to make someone annoyed or worried. 

8. Gobbled - to eat something very quickly

The river consists of six stanzas. 

Each stanza talks about the different characteristics of the river. 

The river is embodied with human nature or character in each stanza. 

Stanza 1: 
1. In stanza 1, the river is characterized as a wanderer, a nomad and a tramp. 
2. The river is like a person; a wanderer who keeps on moving from one place to other place without stopping at any particular place. 
3. The river is the same. It does not stay in the same place for long long time. 

Stanza 2: 
1. The river is characterized as a winder. 
2. It keeps twisting and turning. It does not rest or stop. 
3. Although there are valleys or hills upfront, the river will continue to flow. 
3. The river refers to a child who is unable to keep still. 

 Stanza 3: 
1. The river is described as a hoarder. 
2. The river is like a person. 
3. A hoarder likes to accumulate or gather things and hide at the bottom of the river bed. 

Stanza 4: 
1. The river is is pictured as a baby. 
2. The sound running water of a river is characterized as the sound of a baby gurgling, humming and sucking his thumb. 
3. Baby's voice can be too soft or too loud from time to time. 
4. When the river goes fast down the stream, the sound is loud and when it comes to a more flat ground, the sound lessen. Sometimes, the sound of the flowing of river cannot be heard. 

Stanza 5: 
1. The river is described as a singer. 
2. While moving, the river moves with sounds. 
3. The sound of flowing water of the river resonates and is heard throughout the countryside. 

Stanza 6: 
1. The river is said to be a monster which can cause massive destruction when it is angry. 
2. When the water level increases and the speed of the stream is boosted. 
3. It shows how a calm river can turn into a destructive force of nature especially during flood. 

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