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Sec 8: The Present Participle 2

He is in Perth, studying medicine.

The boys are outside the cinema, looking at the posters.

Raman is in the office, waiting to see Mr. Chong.

The cat is hiding in that bush, hoping to catch a bird.

1. The boys are by that tree, reading ...
2. The injured man is at home, recovering from ...
3. Ali is at the railway station, waiting for...
4. The beggar held out his bowl, hoping...
5. The farmer looked at the dry ground and then stared up at the sky, hoping...
6. I hesitated for a moment, wondering ...
7. There is Ali, sitting ...
8. The smoke came in the window, making ...
9. The monkey is sitting at the top of the tree, throwing down ...
10. We are going to Singapore next week, visiting ...

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